
Gepubliceerd op 14-10-2021

Call for abstracts Early Career Symposium ‘Hansards in the World’

Continuity and Discontinuity on the Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic Frontiers of the Early Modern Hanse’

Hansards in the World gathers and promotes new histories of the Hanse, an association of European merchants and towns, and how they interacted with the wider world in the early modern period. Contributors explore novel perspectives and approaches on the late life and afterlife of this association. How might we engage with the kinetic character of the Hanse? How does our perspective on the Hanse, its people, and its encounters with the non-Hanseatic world change if we focus on art, everyday life, or intellectual currents in the period of its supposed decline from the sixteenth century onwards?

For the Early Career Symposium ‘Hansards in the World: Continuity and Discontinuity on the Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic Frontiers of the Early Modern Hanse’ the organisers (Alexander Collin Mphil, University of Amsterdam and Suzie Hermán MA, Princeton University) welcome contributions from PhD students and early career researchers and are keen to hear from applicants who might not consider themselves as Hanse historians. Participants will contribute to understanding which aspects of the Hanse persisted beyond the medieval period, and which aspects changed in early modernity. Contributions can draw on a wide range of methodologies and intellectual traditions. Keynote speaker will be Dr Angela Huang (Director of the Research Centre for Hanse and Baltic History at the European Hansemuseum).

The symposium will take place on 20-21 January 2022 at the University of Amsterdam. Abstracts should be submitted by 31 October 2021. For the full call and how to submit, download the pdf via the button below.


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Het Huygens Instituut beoogt de Nederlandse geschiedenis en cultuur inclusiever maken. Het ontsluit historische bronnen en literaire teksten en ontwikkelt innovatieve methoden, tools en duurzame digitale infrastructuur.