
Centre for Digital Humanities seminar: ‘Who wrote the Wilhelmus? – A comparison of Latent Semantic Analysis and Correspondence Analysis for text mining’

25 mar 2022
Van 15:00 - 16:15uur

In this online lecture, PhD candidate Qianqian Qi, will discuss two text mining methods that she uses to explore who wrote the Wilhelmus.

Using methods of computational text analysis, a group of four Flemish-Dutch linguists made a surprising discovery in 2016. They made the news when they stated that it was more likely that the Wilhelmus was written by the psalmist Petrus Datheen than by the favourite candidate Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde.

Qianqian Qi’s research is based on the dataset from this research into the Wilhelmus. She visualizes the songs from six authors from the sixteenth century and the Wilhelmus (written between 1568-1572) using two text mining methods: latent semantic analysis (LSA) and correspondence analysis (CA). In this lecture she will talk about the use of text mining, explores the two different mining methods and applies these methods to study who wrote the Wilhelmus.

Read more on the research into the Wilhelmus.

Read the latest paper of Qianqian Qi.

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