
Elizabeth Honig From Parlor to Prison: Place-Making in Tudor England

1 dec 2017
Van 15:30 - 17:30uur

Prof. Elizabeth Honig is professor of European Art, 1400-1700 at the University of California at Berkeley. Honig joined the Art History group at Utrecht University this Fall (until January 2018). Her activities include teaching a BA course Vermeer and Dutch Painting.

Honig wrote her dissertation on Flemish market scenes and the history of economic thought. She lived in Amsterdam for many years, where she could listen to English radio while studying the art of Belgium. A brief period of museum work there ended in complete disaster, and since then she has been back in America teaching art history. In 1996 she abandoned the Atlantic seaboard and came to Berkeley, where she began working on the art of Jan Brueghel, son of the more famous Pieter. Through Brueghel she has become interested in issues of copying, originality, artistic collaboration, and historical techniques of painting; narrative, scale, style, and the notion of the Baroque.

More information: www.uu.nl

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