
Global Intellectual Seminar Series: Lecture ‘German Genius in the Bengali Imagination, 1920 – 1940: An Intellectual History’

5 okt 2021
Van 16:00 - 17:30uur

Public lecture by Arnab Dutta (Groningen and Freie Universität Berlin)

Register by sending an e-mail to: info@globalintellectualhistory.org. Please, specify whether you would like to participate online or in person.


Placed within a broader project on German-Bengali cultural and intellectual entanglements in the interwar years, this lecture draws from the Bengali fascination with the German trope of das Volk der Dichter and Denker (the nation of poets and thinkers) and critically situates the genealogy of conservative and upper-caste internationalism(s) in late colonial British India. By doing so, it delineates the reception of German Geniebegriff (genius-concept) in British Bengal and its political habitations within the rhetoric of anti-colonial nationhood.


Arnab Dutta is a PhD candidate of Modern History at the Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands. He is also a visiting doctoral fellow at both the Department of History of Ideas, Uppsala University, Sweden, and the Global Intellectual History Graduate School, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

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