
Interview with Simon Usherwood on all things Brexit.

24 apr 2018
Van 17:00 - 18:30uur
Lipsius room 147 (Leiden University)

Simon Usherwood is Deputy Director of the “UK in a Changing Europe” programme and Reader in Politics at the University of Surrey. His work has focused in recent years on UK-EU relations, on which he writes and podcasts regularly: you can find more about his work here. He will begin the session by asking whether the Brexit process is on track to reach an agreement in time for the UK’s withdrawal in March 2019.

The event will be interactive. If there are particular issues or questions you would like Dr Usherwood to cover, please email or tweet them in advance of the event to Dr Maxine David (m.e.l.david@hum.leidenuniv.nl ; @MaxineDavid).

If you would like to attend the seminars or to be added to our mailinglist please send an email to chirrs@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

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