
Mapping Slavery in New York (SPUI25)

8 jun 2017
Van 16:00 - 17:30uur

– In cooperation with Read My World, Mapping Slavery NL and Black Heritage Tours –

In August 2017, ‘Dutch New York Histories, Connecting Native American, African and Slavery Heritage’ will be published in the US and the Netherlands. It maps the Dutch history of New Amsterdam and New Netherland, later becoming New York city and state. It is the second guide after ‘Gids Slavernijverleden Amsterdam Slavery Guide’ (2014) that is written by the Mapping Slavery research team.

Due to the visit of two of the American partners who are in Amsterdam on invitation of Dutch Culture, Cordell Reaves and Dennis Maika, the Mapping Slavery team would like to give a sneak preview of their work, and introduce the partners they work with.

Jennifer Tosch will open the evening with a word of welcome, followed by an introduction on Mapping Dutch New York. Then, Cordell Reaves and Dennis Maika will discuss their respective research and work on slavery in the New York State. Lastly, Mark Ponte will talk about his research on Black presence in 17th century Amsterdam after which there will be a panel discussion with all speakers and room for questions from the audience, moderated by Nancy Jouwe. 

About the speakers
Cordell Reaves is Historic Interpretation and Preservation Analyst at NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, USA. 

Dennis Maika is senior historian and education director, USA. 

Mark Ponte is researcher of early Black presence in early modern Amsterdam, works at City Archive Amsterdam. 

Jennifer Tosch launched Black Heritage Tours in Amsterdam in 2013 and New York State in 2016. She is part of the Mapping Slavery Project and co-author of both Dutch New York Histories, Connecting Native American, African and Slavery Heritage (forthcoming 2017) and Gids Slavernijverleden Amsterdam Slavery Guide (2014).

Dienke Hondius is associate professor of history at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, initiator of Mapping Slavery and co-author of both Dutch New York Histories, Connecting Native American, African and Slavery Heritage (forthcoming 2017) and Gids Slavernijverleden Amsterdam Slavery Guide (2014).

Nancy Jouwe is freelance researcher, lecturer, and project leader Mapping Slavery NL. She is co-author of both Dutch New York Histories, Connecting Native American, African and Slavery Heritage (forthcoming 2017) and Gids Slavernijverleden Amsterdam Slavery Guide (2014).

You can sign up for this program for free. If you subscribe for the program we count on your presence. If you are unable to attend, please let us know via spui25@uva.nl | T: +31 (0)20 525 8142.

More information, updates and registration: www.spui25.nl

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