
New Directions in the preservation, presentation and research of Film Heritage (SPUI25)

15 jun 2017
Van 13:15 - 14:15uur

– Bijzondere Lezing / Special lecture by Giovanna Fossati –

This special lecture at SPUI25 by Giovanna Fossati will illustrate some of the activities of EYE Filmmuseum with regard to the preservation, restoration and presentation of film heritage.

Through a discussion of recent international research projects and publications, which have been inspired by the EYE Collection, some recent developments in the field of film heritage will be discussed and new directions in the preservation, presentation and research of such heritage will be presented. In particular, the lecture will focus on the recent publications Exposing the Film Apparatus. The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory (AUP, 2016) and Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema (AUP, 2015).

Accompanying the talk, silent film shorts from the EYE Collection will be screened, including titles from the period 1900-1915. This selection of films will showcase the various colour techniques that were used during the silent film era. Although these techniques were used for the majority of films shown in cinema until 1930, they had been largely forgotten until they were rediscovered thanks to research and restoration projects in the last two decades.

About the speaker

Giovanna Fossati is Professor of Film Heritage and Digital Film Culture at the UvA and Chief Curator at EYE Filmmuseum. She is the author of From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition (AUP, 2009 and 2011), co-author with Tom Gunning, Joshua Yumibe and Jonathon Rosen of Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema (AUP, 2015), and co-editor with Annie van den Oever of Exposing the Film Apparatus. The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory (AUP, 2016).

You can sign up for this program for free. If you subscribe for the program we count on your presence. If you are unable to attend, please let us know via spui25@uva.nl | T: +31 (0)20 525 8142.

More information, updates and registration: www.spui25.nl

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Terug naar de bron: de geschiedenis ontrafeld met nieuwe technologie. Dat is de missie van het Huygens ING, een onderzoeksinstituut op het gebied van geschiedenis en cultuur.