
Roosevelt Lecture: Peter Rose

16 apr 2018
Van 15:30 - 17:30uur
Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, Abdij 8, Middelburg

On Monday 16 April 2018 the RIAS and University College Roosevelt will host the American Professor Emeritus Peter Rose from Smith College. Professor Rose will deliver the Spring Roosevelt Lecture on ‘The Stranger at the Gate: The Politics and Morality of US Immigration and Refugee Policy from FDR to Trump.’

Peter Rose

The sociologist and anthropologist Peter Rose will reflect on American immigration and refugee policy, and he will examine the rise of xenophobic nationalism and populist nativism in the United States. The focus of the lecture will be on Trump’s revival of “America First” 1930’s rhetoric and its implications.

Peter I. Rose (PhD Cornell, 1959) is Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology and Senior Fellow at the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute, Smith College in Northampton, MA, and Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, CA.

For more than 30 years he directed Smith College’s American Studies Diploma Program for foreign graduate students. He served as visiting professor at many other American universities and was a Fulbright professor in the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Austria, and the Netherlands. He has long been affiliated with the University of Amsterdam and both University College Utrecht and University College Roosevelt.

He publishes extensively on migration, refugees, and race relations in American society. His most recent books are Postmonitions of a Peripatetic Professor and Mainstream and Margins Revisited: Sixty Years of Commentary on Minorities in America.

Please register before  Tuesday 10 April 2018 at rias@zeeland.nl.

For more information and updates, please visit the event on the website of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies

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