
Seminar: Meeting Spinoza: Books, Letters, Networks, Personal Encounters

5 okt - 6 okt 2017
Van 9:30 - 17:00uur

On 5 and 6 October the seminar ‘Meeting Spinoza: Books, Letters, Networks, Personal Encounters’ will be organised in Utrecht. The organising committee consists of Dr Albert Gootjes, Prof. Piet Steenbakkers and Dr Jeroen van de Ven (all from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies), who finished the NWO research project Spinoza’s Web this summer.


  • Raphaële Andrault (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS-Lyon)
  • Mogens Laerke (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS-Lyon)
  • Steven Nadler (Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Antonella Del Prete (Tuscia University)

The Spinoza’s Web-project examines the life and work of the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677), as well as the networks in which he participated. In the reception and assessment of his thought, scholars have always seen an indissoluble connection between his writings, character and reputation, and the course of his life. Every era thus forms its own impression of Spinoza, and this image plays an important role—more than it does with other philosophers—in the way his thought is understood. This project seeks to develop tools for documenting Spinoza’s life, writings, and work as completely as possible, and will trace out the impact of his philosophy by mapping out the context in which his thought evolved. The project revolves around four research axes, each of which will produce its own output.

More information and registration: www.uu.nl

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