
Slavery in the Black Sea Region, C. 900-1900: Forms of Unfreedom at the Intersection between Christianity and Islam

30 mei 2017
Van 5:00 - 14:00uur

About “Slavery in the Black Sea Region, C. 900-1900: Forms of Unfreedom at the Intersection between Christianity and Islam”
Leiden University will host the workshop: “Slavery in the Black Sea Region, c. 900-1900: Forms of Unfreedom at the Intersection between Christianity and Islam” on 30-31 May 2017. Based on their specific areas of expertise, the speakers will reflect on slavery in the Black Sea region as an encounter zone between East and West, Christianity and Islam. Contributions will be clustered under six main themes: Late Medieval and Early Modern Trends; Slavery among Christians; The Circassian Question; Raiders, Slaves, and Captives in Crimea; Slaves in the City (Istanbul); and The Black Sea and Global Slavery. The workshop aims to place the Black Sea in the wider debates on global slavery, while raising new conceptual questions that will illuminate and possibly modify current theories on medieval, early modern, and modern forms of unfreedom.

Viorel Achim – Nicolae Iorga Institute, Bucharest
Michel Balard – Université Paris-Sorbonne, France
Hannah Barker – Rhodes College, Memphis, USA
Andrzej Gliwa – University of Warsaw
Oleksandr Helenko – Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Sergei Karpov – Moscow State University, Russia
Mikhail Kizilov – Moscow
Dariusz Kolodziejzcyk – University of Warsaw
Natalia Królikowska – University of Warsaw
Aleksandr Lavrov – Université Paris-Sorbonne
Nida Nebahat Nalçacı – Bilkent University
Sandra Origone – Università di Genova
Victor Ostapchuk – University of Toronto
Daphne Penna – Groningen University
Ehud Toledano – Tel Aviv University
Gulay Yilmaz – Akdeniz University

More information and updates: www.universiteitleiden.nl

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