
Technical Art History Colloquium XIII: Boxwood Micro-Carvings

29 jun 2017
Van 11:00 - 13:00uur

he Technical Art History Colloquium is organised by prof. Sven Dupré (Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam, PI ERC ARTECHNE), dr Arjan de Koomen (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History), and dr Abbie Vandivere (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History & Paintings Conservator, Mauritshuis, The Hague).

Monthly meetings take place on Thursdays, usually in Utrecht and Amsterdam. The thirteenth edition of the Technical Art History Colloquium will be held at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, in connection with the exhibition ‘Small Wonders’: Dutch micro-carving from the late Middle Ages. Prof. Frits Scholten (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam) and Rosa Hoogenboom (University of Amsterdam and Netherlandish Institute for Conservation, Art and Science) will present papers on micro-carvings made of boxwood. There will be substantial time for audience discussion. Admission to the colloquium is free. All those interested are welcome.

  •  ‘Virtuoso Micro-Carvings from the Low Countries 1500-1550’, Prof. Frits Scholten – Senior curator of sculpture at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and professor in the History of Western Sculpture at the University of Amsterdam
  •  ‘On Boxwood’, Rosa Hoogenboom – Graduate student in the Technical Art History MA at the University of Amsterdam, and assistant for the Netherlandish Institute for Conservation, Art and Science (NICAS)

More information and registration: www.uu.nl

Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Wordt lid van het KNHG.
Terug naar de bron: de geschiedenis ontrafeld met nieuwe technologie. Dat is de missie van het Huygens ING, een onderzoeksinstituut op het gebied van geschiedenis en cultuur.