
Towards a Transcultural History of Diplomacy

14 sep 2017
Van 5:00 - 18:00uur
Lipsius Building, Leiden

International relations in pre-modern Asia is often explained in terms of a “tributary system.”  In this talk I challenge this idea that all diplomatic relations in Asia were vertical. Using examples from the foreign relations of Japan’s early modern state, the Tokugawa Shogunate, I suggest that pre-modern foreign relations in Asia were actually much more diverse. I propose the concept “letter diplomacy” instead in order to describe a more flexible picture of interstate relations in pre-modern Asia.

About the speaker
Fuyuko Matsukata, Professor in the Historiographical Institute at the University of Tokyo, is one of the world’s foremost experts on Dutch-Japanese relations. She is the author of four major books and dozens of articles, including articles in English published in Itinerario and Monumenta Nipponica.

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