
“Women and the History of International Thinking” – Public lecture by Glenda Sluga (The University of Sydney/European University Institute)

2 feb 2021
Van 9:00 - 11:00uur

Over the last few decades, historians have reshaped the spatial and conceptual contours of intellectual history. In particular, the prospect of a global intellectual history has provoked reflection on methods and questions of representativeness that transcend the default national parameters of this sub-field. In my lecture, I want to invite into these historiographical developments the place of women, and a specific international framing of ideas and their agents. My aim is to outline a history of European “International Thinking” from the turn of the 19th century to the mid-20th century, with women at its centre. I argue that the history of women and international thinking requires us to expand not only where, but who and what counts in intellectual history.

Glenda Sluga is an Australian historian who has contributed significantly to the history of internationalism, nationalism, diplomacy, immigration, and gender, in Europe, Britain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Australia.

She is a Professor of International History and Capitalism at the European University Institute, in Italy, where she is Director of the European Research Council Project ECOINT and Joint Chair of the Department of History and Civilization and the Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies. She is on secondment from her post as Professor of International History at the University of Sydney.

Please register by sending an email to amrdedijn@gmail.com.

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