
Workshop Mass Violence and the Kurds: From the Late Ottoman Empire to Modern Turkey

15 nov 2018
Van 9:30 - 17:00uur


November 15, 2018
Subject Fields:
Area Studies, Human Rights, Middle East History / Studies, Political Science, Political History / Studies

Mass Violence and the Kurds: From the Late Ottoman Empire to Modern Turkey

Time: 9:30 – 17:00

Place: NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam

9:30 Welcome

9:30-10:00  Opening Remarks: Uğur Ümit Üngör

10:00-11:15  Panel I: From Abdulhamid II to the Committee of Union and Progress

Yektan Türkyılmaz, “Kurds as an Object of Ethnographic Curiosity in Armenian Political Imaginaries (1878-1922)”

Ali Sipahi, “The 1895 Massacres and the Perception of Kurdish Involvement”

Ayşenur Korkmaz, “Geography of Violence: Massacres in Sasun”

11:15-11:30  Coffee break

11:30-13:00  Panel II:  Violence and the Kurds in Republican Turkey

Naif Bezwan, “The Turkish Dual State and State Crime in Kurdistan”

Zeynep Kezer, “Ex Oriente Lux: Keban Dam and The Coercive Uses of Infrastructure”

Ahmet Hamdi Akkaya, “Political Violence of Kurdish Movement Since 1970s”

13:00-14:00  Lunch

14:00-15:30  Panel III: Political Violence and Ethnic Conflict in the 1990s

Evren Balta, “Counterinsurgency and Ethnic Defection: the Case of the Village Guards”

Ayhan Işık, “The Emergence and Reorganization of Paramilitary Groups in Turkey in the 1990s”

Yeşim Yaprak Yıldız, “‘Sad Tales’: PKK Repentants Confessing to State Violence against Kurds”

15:30-15:45  Coffee break

15:45-16:15  Closing Remarks: Joost Jongerden

16:15-17:00  Plenary discussion

Contact Info: Ayhan Işık, Department of History, Utrecht University

Contact Email:

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