
Gepubliceerd op 12-02-2019

Onderzoekers VICI research Project: Engaged scholarship and narratives of change in comparative perspective

In November 2018, Prof. Dr. Halleh Ghorashi’s (VU Amsterdam) VICI research project on ‘engaged scholarship and narratives of change in comparative perspective’ has started. The VICI project strives to investigate and contribute to a more comprehensive and transformative form of cooperation between academy and society when it comes to promoting refugees’ societal inclusion in the Netherlands, the US and South Africa.

For this project, the organization is establishing a network of scholars in social sciences and humanities (or other related disciplines) that self-identify as engaged and have conducted or are currently conducting research on refugee inclusion, reception, participation and/or integration in the Netherlands (i.e. academic researchers both based and conducting research in the Netherlands). Through this network, the organization hopes to first, map engaged scholarship in the Netherlands through an inventory and second, connect with relevant projects, researchers, stakeholders and possible future research participants. Becoming part of the network gives you the chance to connect with other relevant projects, stay up to date about events and results of the VICI project on engaged scholarship and – if you wish to – take a more active part as research participant. The network is thus a crucial asset in mapping engaged scholarship projects in the Netherlands to then – together with our network – increase the transformative potential of collaborations between academy and society to work towards refugees’ societal inclusion.

The organization invites all scholars who self-identify as engaged to become part of our network by filling in a short form, which will only take a few minutes. Please fill in the form before Sunday, 17 February 2019.

The organization thanks you in advance for becoming part of their network of engaged scholars working on refugee inclusion! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact them. m.c.rast@vu.nl (Drs. Maria Rast)

Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Word lid van het KNHG.
Het Huygens Instituut beoogt de Nederlandse geschiedenis en cultuur inclusiever maken. Het ontsluit historische bronnen en literaire teksten en ontwikkelt innovatieve methoden, tools en duurzame digitale infrastructuur.