
Concert – Huygensian Harmony: A Franco-Dutch Symphony, Huygens Instituut and La Sfera Armoniosa

31 mei 2024
Van 18:45 - 21:15uur

Immerse yourself in the seventeenth-century world of the Dutchman Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687), a man of many talents who marked his time as a diplomat, poet, scholar, art connoisseur, perfumer, musician and composer. “L’Harmonie Huygensienne” offers a richly varied program that stimulates the senses with music, images and perfumes, in honor of Huygens’ deep friendship with the Duchess of Lorraine Béatrix de Cusance (1614-1663). Together, they shared a passion for music and art, which made them key figures in the cultural exchange between the Netherlands and France in the seventeenth century. This concert by La Sfera Armoniosa celebrates their shared love of music and highlights the French connection that played an important role in Huygens’ life and work.

The music is interspersed with short stories and images about the varied French contacts that Constantijn Huygens had as a diplomat, musician, perfumer and friend.

This concert is made possible thanks to the benevolent collaboration and support of the Dutch Workshop.


6:45 p.m.: Doors open
7:00 p.m.: Start of the concert
8:15 p.m.: End of the concert – Start of the reception (drinks)
9:15 p.m.: End of the evening

Music by: Constantijn Huygens, Antoine Boësset, Claudio Monteverdi, Michel Lambert, Luigi Rossi, Pierre Guédron and Marin Marais.

· Lette Vos: soprano

· Paulina van Laarhoven: viola da gamba

· Mike Fentross: theorbo

· Ineke Huysman: Historian (Institut Huygens Amsterdam)

La Sfera Armoniosa

La Sfera Armoniosa, founded in 1992 by lutenist Mike Fentross and viola da gamba player Paulina van Laarhoven, is a Dutch ensemble specializing in the performance of music from the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In a short period of time, La Sfera Armoniosa has established itself as a leading ensemble, performing at major European festivals and venues and receiving rave reviews for its vast range of projects over three decades of existence.

Get your tickets here.

Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Wordt lid van het KNHG.
Terug naar de bron: de geschiedenis ontrafeld met nieuwe technologie. Dat is de missie van het Huygens ING, een onderzoeksinstituut op het gebied van geschiedenis en cultuur.