
Strangers in a Strange Land. Exploring Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Premodern Times

29 jun 2017
Van 5:30 - 13:30uur

– Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies Conference – 

The roles of social inclusion and exclusion in society is a topic of intense discussion in both academic and public debates. The current refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and discussions about integration and illegality have been at the core of these debates in the last few years. Recently, such topics have generated extra tension in political debates surrounding Brexit and various presidential elections worldwide, illustrating how pervasive notions of social inclusion and exclusion are in contemporary discourse.

​Naturally, social inclusion and exclusion are not solely a feature of modern times; they have been present in most societies throughout human history. Envision for instance Aeneas, the legendary Trojan refugee, who according to some accounts was the founder of Rome, or consider the many European refugees from the 17th century, fleeing from religious persecution. To understand how groups deal and have dealt with social inclusion and exclusion, it is vital to study their mechanics and functions in the past.

During the conference on 29 June 2017, speakers from different fields in the humanities will discuss how social inclusion and exclusion should be interpreted in premodernity, particularly with regard to migrations, diaspora and the integration of ‘Others’. 

More information and registration: http://cmems.nl/

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